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Help Environmental Divers & our Clean-Up Crews

To continue their invaluable service to our communities by cleaning up our waterways, our clean up teams need 'catch' bags, lift bags and underwater drones to detect rubbish and waste. You can show your support, by donating towards the purchase of equipment or buying one of our promotional items.

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Attend one of our clean up events or a fundraiser

Support Environmental Divers

Make a tax deductible donation towards clean up costs‏.

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As a Social Enterprise, Environmental Divers Incorporated Association organise groups of volunteers to clean up debris and rubbish from our Queensland oceans, waterways, parks and beaches. Our volunteers include divers and land-based volunteers.


There are a lot of associated costs with our equipment, boats, operations and time.  Funding is essential to keep expanding our clean-up enterprises. With the support of donations and grants, our core crew can clean waterways and park-lands on a more regular basis and use additional volunteers for larger activities.


Our expertise and experience will also see us reach areas and remove rubbish items that many others think are impossible to get, creating a valuable service for the government and community.


We are also reaching out to Schools as part of our education and community engagement program. Through hands-on involvement, our session helps teach students on the real effects of rubbish in their local parks & waterways, showing a direct correlation with the impact of our rubbish and the death of the fauna and turtle populations in Moreton Bay. We also provide ideas on what the children can do in their everyday lives, to make a difference.


Funding support & donations will enable us to continue and expand these activities.

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